Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lighted Suction Curette

New to our Featured Products and website this week is the Lighted Suction Curette from Bionix. The combination of a Lighted Ear Curette with the efficiency of a suction device provides the ability to quickly remove cerumen or foreign bodies from the ear with the utmost ease and safety.

Each box of Lighted Suction Curettes includes: 1 Light Source, 1 Magnification Lens, 25 Lighted Suction Handles, 25 Silicon Suction tips

* Suction pump sold separately

Removal of soft, viscous cerumen or large plugs. Also effective for foreign bodies with the addition of the silicon suction tip.

Light and Magnification
Light projected to the tip of the suction handle, enhanced by magnification,  provides the most important aspect of any procedure, complete visualization.

Suction as a tool eliminates the top down sweeping motion of a curettage procedure reducing the risk of trauma to the ear canal.

Thumb controlled suction release on the handle provides procedural safety.

To see more of this week's Featured Products visit the American Medicals website at www.AmericanMedicals.com!

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